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By accessing or using the dryfeet website ("Website"), or by purchasing or using products and/or services offered by dryfeet or its suppliers through this Website, visitors to the Website ("You" or "Your") indicate that they acknowledge and accept these Terms of Use ("Terms"). If you do not accept these Terms or any modification to these Terms, please cease using the Website immediately.

These Terms do not affect your statutory rights as a purchaser of goods on the Website.

Use of the Website

dryfeet authorizes you to view and use the material on this Website, including text, images, graphics, audio or video clips, software, and other information ("Material"), solely for your personal and non-commercial use, provided that: (i) You do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices contained in the Material from any copies of the Material; and (ii) You comply with all applicable laws and adhere to all requirements identified in these Terms, as well as any additional terms provided to you during use. You agree to: (i) review and abide by these Terms; and (ii) acknowledge that the Website and Materials are provided "as is" and you assume all risks associated with the use of the Website and Materials. You may not modify the content in any way, nor reproduce or publicly display, perform, distribute, or otherwise use the content or any portion of it for any public or commercial purposes. Any use of the Materials on any other website, electronic device, or networked computer environment for any purpose is strictly prohibited.

Intellectual Property

The name dryfeet and any logo appearing on the Website or in connection with the provision of any service are trademarks of dryfeet (or its licensors). The Material is the exclusive property of dryfeet (or its licensors) and any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of any Material stored or available through this Website may violate copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights or applicable laws and is strictly prohibited. If you violate any of these Terms, your authorization to use this Website automatically terminates and you must immediately cease using this Website and destroy any downloaded or printed Material or any other derived Material that contains dryfeet's intellectual property (or that of its licensors).

Royalty-Free License

By accessing this Website via the Internet, you grant dryfeet, subject to dryfeet's Privacy Policy (see below), a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual license, with the right to sublicense, to reproduce, distribute, transmit, create derivative works from any Material and any other information, suggestions, or ideas that you submit or post on the Website, regardless of the medium. You agree that you will have no recourse against dryfeet or any sublicensee for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary rights in your communications to dryfeet through or using the Website.

Products and Pricing

dryfeet continuously updates its product and service offerings on this Website. dryfeet reserves the right to revise and/or discontinue these offerings at any time. Prices displayed or advertised on the Website or through any other electronic communication from dryfeet do not include shipping fees and applicable sales tax, and are subject to change without notice at dryfeet's sole discretion. Online purchases of products available on the Website are subject to dryfeet's online purchase terms. dryfeet reserves the right to change online prices.

Prohibited Illegal Use

You must not use the Website or dryfeet's Materials to post, transmit, upload, distribute, or publish any content that is defamatory, seditious, blasphemous, fraudulent, invades another's privacy, tortious, obscene, pornographic, abusive, infringing, or otherwise illegal, as determined at dryfeet's sole discretion. You agree to comply with all applicable local, provincial, federal, and international laws, regulations, and treaties when using this Website. In addition to complying with these Terms, as modified from time to time, you agree to comply with generally accepted Internet standards and refrain from misuse or inappropriate use of this Website.

Prohibited Harassment

You must not use the Website in any manner to harass, threaten, abuse, embarrass, or cause distress, unwanted attention, or discomfort to any person or entity. This prohibition extends to any vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive comments or behavior, or any other offensive behavior. Additionally, any repeated message or behavior after a warning or notification indicating that such behavior is unwanted constitutes harassment.

Prohibited Advertising

It is prohibited to use the Website to display advertising or promotional materials.


The collection of any identifiable information about an individual ("Personal Information") through this Website is conducted only with the individual's consent and in accordance with dryfeet's Privacy Policy, which is part of these Terms. We may use the email address provided at the time of registration to communicate with our customers about any account maintenance or service changes.

Network Security

dryfeet provides products and services through networks of other telecommunications providers and through other suppliers and third parties. Your use of this Website and/or dryfeet's products and services and third-party equipment, facilities, and services is at your own risk. dryfeet assumes no responsibility for the security of your facilities or networks or for unauthorized access to such networks or facilities. In all cases, you are responsible for determining and establishing secure network access configurations. dryfeet, its partners, affiliates, and third-party suppliers, and each of their respective directors, agents, employees, consultants, agents, and suppliers, shall not be liable for any inability, failure, or error related to a security breach or the identification of such a breach, or any loss resulting from the transmission of confidential or sensitive information over the Internet. dryfeet and its suppliers make no commitment regarding the recoverability of lost data.

Links to Other Websites

Links to external and third-party websites may be provided on our Website. If you use these links, a new window will open to access the linked websites. dryfeet has not reviewed these third-party websites, does not control, and is not responsible for these websites or their content. dryfeet does not endorse or make any representations about them or any information, products, or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained by using them. Accessing any third-party website is at your own risk.


You acknowledge and agree that dryfeet, at its sole and absolute discretion, may, without notice, suspend or terminate your use or access to the Website or any other service, and remove and discard any related Material for any reason. If you are dissatisfied with any of these Terms, please cease using the Website.

Disclaimer of Liability

You acknowledge that you use this Website, including its content, at your own risk. dryfeet and its partners, affiliates, and suppliers do not guarantee error-free or uninterrupted operation of the Website. dryfeet and its suppliers do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the Material available on or through this Website. The Material on this Website may be outdated, and dryfeet makes no commitment to update it.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless dryfeet, its partners, affiliates, and suppliers, as well as each of their respective directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, and suppliers, from any claims, demands, actions, lawsuits, losses, costs, charges, expenses, damages, and liabilities (including legal fees) that may be incurred due to or in connection with your use of this Website.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that in no event shall dryfeet, its partners, affiliates, and suppliers, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, representatives, and suppliers be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages (including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of data, or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to use, reliance on, or results of this Website (including the products, services, Material, or information contained on this Website and/or other linked websites), whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory and whether or not dryfeet is advised of the possibility of such damages.

Applicable Laws

These Terms, including dryfeet's online purchase terms and Privacy Policy, are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States. The courts of the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes relating to the use of these Terms, including the online purchase terms.

Revision of Terms

dryfeet may revise these Terms and/or the online purchase terms at any time by updating this Website. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revisions on the Website, and your use of the Website will be subject to the most current version of the Terms presented here at the time of such use. You should review these Terms and the online purchase terms from time to time to review the current terms because they are binding and your continued use of the Website signifies that you accept these revised Terms and the online purchase terms. Certain provisions of these Terms may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages of this Website.

Entire Agreement

These Terms, along with dryfeet's Privacy Policy and the online purchase terms, constitute the entire and whole agreement between you and dryfeet regarding the use of the Website and the purchase of merchandise or gift cards online and supersede any prior agreements, whether written or oral.


dryfeet shall not be considered to have waived any of its rights or remedies described in these Terms or the online purchase terms unless the waiver is made in writing and signed by dryfeet. No delay or omission by dryfeet in exercising its rights or remedies will impair or be construed as a waiver of its right to enforce those rights at any time.

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